Urban Grooves Playout

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Show Info

Genres: Featured , Music
Call in: 07960240198

Show Times

Timezone: BST [UTC+1]
18:00 - 20:00
[ - ]

About the Show

Urban Grooves Playout

Listen to Ujima’s non stop mix of back to back bangers featuring the latest selection of national and international artists in Black music!

Urban Grooves Playout also features the Ujima Powerplays!

Every month Ujima selects the latest top 10 tracks released by artists based in Bristol & the Southwest.

If you would like your music to be considered for the Ujima Powerplays then send your track on MP3 or WAV, making sure the lyrics and clean and conscious for daytime radio and email by the 3rd week of the month to:


Put in the subject bar: Ujima Powerplays

Good luck and keep listening to hear if your track gets selected!

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