Cruising with Jenny Whyisounds

Cruising with Jenny Whyisounds

Show Times

Timezone: BST [UTC+1]
16:00 - 18:00
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About the Show

Brought to you by Jenny Whyisounds

Taking you from A to B with Ujima – Cruising Show! Classic tracks, chat, travel updates, news, local events guaranteed to make you laugh and relax after a hard day.

Drive time show with traffic and travel reports, news and conversation mixed with THE best Old Skool music around to keep you grooving.

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Published by

Miranda Rae

Miranda Rae is a Producer and Presenter with over 25 years experience of working in radio and music industries including her own weekly show on BBC Radio 5 for which she won a Sony Award and many years on the infamous Galaxy Radio where Miranda played a pivotal role in the UK’s music scene. Miranda assists in overseeing, and helps to curate over 50 programmes a week. The role is multi-faceted and includes training, broadcasting, producing, programming, supporting emerging talent, social media, PR & publicity, event management and stage management, employing many technical skills including editing and using many different software as a user and a programmer.