Let’s Talk About Blood and Organ Donation – Episode 3 – 23/11/23

Let’s Talk About Blood and Organ Donation – Episode 3 – 23/11/23

Episode Info

Show: Let’s Talk about Blood and Organ Donation
Episode Number: 3
Broadcasted: 10:00
  on 23rd November 2023

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About this Episode

Hosted by….

Corrd Da Seeker
Ms Divine

Brought to you by….


People, can you believe we’re three shows in? We’re having a great time talking about blood and organ donation and you know what, it’s becoming less taboo to us. What about you?

Your voice and feelings matter as these are such important foundations that the NHS and Bristol Black Carers are building their work upon. Not only that, but sharing how you feel can help shape the work of blood and organ donation not just for you, but your community too.

So comment below on this post, call/text in or send us a DM on social media. Right, back to the show!

As always, a massive big up to Anndeloris from Bristol Black Carers for her enery, passion and knowledge steering us through such a big topic. We’ve learned a lot and hope you have too, so with that said…

Are you ready to give the gift of life?”


Yes! Then click here to register and donate blood in your area.

Listen to Episode 3:

Episode Show

  • Ujima Radio has a brand new show! ‘Let’s Talk About: Blood & Organ Donation’ We have teamed up with Bristol Black Carers & the NHS to bring you 6-7 shows discussing this subject.  Tune in […]
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