Let’s Talk About Blood and Organ Donation – Episode 4 – 21/12/23

Let’s Talk About Blood and Organ Donation – Episode 4 – 21/12/23

Episode Info

Show: Let’s Talk about Blood and Organ Donation
Episode Number: 4
Broadcasted: 10:00
  on 21st December 2023

About this Episode

Hosted by….

Ms Divine
Corrd Da Seeker

We’re on episode 4 and really enjoying it! Who knew that we’d be discussing and learning about what health issues our blood and organ donation goes towards and just how it helps.



Again, we have to say a huge thanks to Annedeloris from Bristol Black Carers – none of this would be possible without her.

Because we know you do! Then tune into our next show to call or text in to 07960 240 198 so you can speak to this powerhouse of passion and knowledge in realtime. Speaking of, did you know Annedeloris recently won an award…

So truuuust and believe when we say she’s the person to ask!

And if you needed more inspiration, one of our very own regularly gives blood and had the same questions and concerns as you. However, the experience (aka the needle, lol!) wasn’t as bad as she thought.

The nurses were kind, caring and took the time to listen to my worries which helped calm my nerves. One was so kind the stayed with me the whole time and took this pic for me!


Are you ready to give the gift of life? Then click here to register as a donor and find out more.



See you next time on Jan 18th!

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Episode Show

  • Ujima Radio has a brand new show! ‘Let’s Talk About: Blood & Organ Donation’ We have teamed up with Bristol Black Carers & the NHS to bring you 6-7 shows discussing this subject.  Tune in […]
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